Email System

What You WANTED To Know About Email Marketing Data Security…
BUT Were TOO AFRAID TO ASK... This is a question we are asked a lot. especially by larger businesses, but is relevant to every business trusting a third party with their customer data. BrandMail takes the protection of your information and email marketing data security very seriously. We can only tell you how W...
Database SecurityEmail Marketing SecurityEmail SecuritySecurity
BrandMail New Interface Upgrades
Sneaky peek of your great new interface and features “The team are really excited about the changes we’re about to release. Everything is much easier to access and it all just makes sense” The new look is coming soon! We’ve designed an interface that’ll give you easy, quick access to all the information you�...
New InterfaceUpgrade
What Is BrandMail?
[flowplayer src='' width=389 height=300 splash=''] More than "just" email... BrandMail is more than email marketing, it's the marketing ...