Why Use Email Marketing?

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Marketing experts across a wide range of small, medium and enterprise businesses agreed that email marketing contributes significantly to their success. From that group;

“54% of businesses surveyed rated e-mail as the top online promotion to drive site visitors and customers to their web sites and storefronts.”

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Email Marketing

1) Its inexpensive – Using email marketing is an incredibly affordable way to stretch a tight marketing budget. Unlike direct mail, their is virtually no production, materials or postage required. Email marketing is 20 times more cost effective than direct mail, and can cost as little as fractions of a cent per email. It also returns $54 for every $1 spent.

2) It’s Effective – Email marketing enables proactive two way communication with your existing customers and prospects instead of waiting passively for them to engage you Web site or storefront. You can also easily target your emails by source, interest, or by a particular list.

Overall, email communications sent to your prospect and customer lists, can single-handedly improve the ROI of all of your lead generation and customer retention programs.

3) It’s Immediate – Email Marketing has two great advantages over other marketing channels. First of all, with the self-service systems like BrandMail available, anyone can create and send compelling email newsletters, promotions, announcements or more in an hour, not days. No agency or production time is required to create and send professional communications. Second, email marketing generates an immediate response. The call to action is clear: “Click here to take advantage of this offer”, or “to learn more about this service”, or to “attend this event”. Initial campaign response generally occurs within 48 hours of the time the email campaign is sent and you can watch the interaction live.

4) It’s Measurable – Unlike other channels, results from email campaigns are easily measured. Results are reported in terms of “opens”, which report how many people saw your offer or newsletters, Click Through Rates (CTRs), which measure how many people actually clicked on the links in your email, and who actually clicked on what particular links.

5) It’s Easy – Web-based email marketing services like BrandMail include professional HTML templates so you can start immediately, list segmentation and targeting capabilities, as well as, automatic tracking and reporting. So, you are free to concentrate on your unique message while the rest is done for you.

So is it time to put email marketing to work for your business? To get started take part in a 30 Day Free Trail that provides hints and tips on great campaigns while using BrandMail.


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