Increasing The Value of Your Magazine
- Volume: Unique visitors – 40,000 + per month is interesting to “serious” advertisers Page views: How sticky is the site? Section based ads can increase spend
- Open rate: Is your email list responsive, do they want to hear from you?
- Click Through: Does the email interest them enough to get their click?
- Viral (send to friend): Can you attract an average viral range
- Share or posts: Average social reach x 140 exposure per share
- Segment numbers: Visitors to vertical niche areas in your site
- Pathways: How they travel will create exposure points to up sell adverting
Are these part of your media kit? You have to own your spaces with advertisers, know what works and create not only wins for your clients in this space but for your customers too where possible. Ensure you put a value on each of your advertising channels and advertise on purpose.
- Earned Media & Recommendations: 92%
- Online Consumer Reviews: 70%
- Owned Media (Company Website): 58%
- Opt-In Emails: 57%
- Search Engine Advertising: 40%
- Online Video Advertising: 33%
- Online Banner Advertising: 33%
- Mobile Advertising: 29%
- Radio: 42%
- Television: 40%
The trust gap is being closed online now. We have used global stats as your product online is essentially a global brand. All stats from The Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey. Conducted between August 31 and September 16, 2011 and polled more than 28,000 online consumers in 56 countries throughout Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and North America.