New Image Editor For Your Email Marketing

I hate having to switch between programs to get an email out, it slows down the process, disrupts your concentration and I end up losing focus!

You come up with a smashing concept, you want to write and get email into the world and then work out if the image fits with your template, wait for photoshop to open, find the image to edit, edit it and then re-save.

It totally messes with my Email Marketing mojo man!

Even worse, you may have to pay someone to do it all for you as you either don’t know how or have the software to do it. This is normally followed up with a ‘I’ll get it to you tomorrow”.


We actually HAVE designers in house but when we’re moving we don’t want to stop and brief someone. I want it now.

What exactly does the new image editor do?

You have the perfect image, uploading it into BrandMail, cropping out the strange looking tourist in the background, adding some text and then resizing it to fit your email template perfectly. DONE!

We went out and found the worlds leading online image editors, Aviary, and put it into BrandMail. Now you can easily resize, crop, rotate, flip and add text to your images all within BrandMail.


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