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Turn Your Social Marketing into Customers for Life
Reaching vast, connected groups of your ideal customer has never been easier.
We help you share your content across Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter as well as quickly grow your own database and following without even logging into three different accounts! Save time while finding even more customers fast!
Reach More WIth Every Message
Having just 1000 contacts, means you can influence as many as 140,000 using social media. How would finding just another 1000 prospects for free impact your business?
Reach more customers every time you send using BrandMail.

Promote Emails In Social Media
Bring your email and social marketing together and publish emails to your Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts automatically. Readers can join your database straight from your email!
How's that for free promotion?

Share Some "Referral" Love
The most trusted form of advertising is referral. Each email can be Liked, Shared or Tweeted with a single click! Simple promotion reaches a whole new group of people, for free.
Your marketing is now going viral!

One-Click Enquiry Forms In Facebook!
Let's get your leads into your database, and not Facebook. Use our simple "One-Click" sign up forms and get new leads straight into your Facebook page.
Real value from social media comes from building a list you own.