Email Marketing and the Buying Revolution

email marketing buying revolution

The way we buy has changed out of sight.

No more are we interrupted constantly by companies with large budgets, we are sidled up to and consistently convinced over time over multiple channels.

Even our vision is retargeted, followed over the internet and crossing channels wherever we are.

Have you realised how buying has changed in our lifetime? We have to realign how we connect with those buyers, with more than email marketing, more than banner adverts, being as bright as our smarter clients are now is incredibly important to your businesses.

It goes a little something like this:

  • Buying 2.0: Once upon a time you had to have a large marketing budget to reach those you most love, prospects. Once you got them aware of who you were, a crack team (or in some cases a cracked team) of salespeople would follow them up and release information slowly leading them to a sale. Information would ONLY flow from the sales person in a manner that suited them.
  • Buying 3.0 – We have an unprecedented access to information now. We can even access current or past customers without your business even knowing, either directly or via opinion in social media. Failing that we can ask the collective “I need to buy x, how did you find the service?” We now come prepared, educated and ask advanced questions based on the knowledge we find ourselves. 

How do you interact with your potential customers?

Email Marketing and other email marketing systems help your business interact with your leads, prospects and customers all the way along the buying cycle on auto-pilot.

If you’re not using email marketing for more than a monthly news round up, you are losing as much as 200% of your profit and leaving it to rot in your customer database.

A bit strong? Prove me wrong! How many touches do your prospect get prior to going into the monthly email bin? Do you wait in hope that they find something useful or come to the conclusion you can help them on their own?

Or are you GIVING them a reason to make contact? Because you’ve taken the time to KNOW what they want and actually give it to them.

It’s not rocket science, but these are the things that 80% of Australian business are missing.

Good news for the ones that are not, make sure you’re in the right camp.

If you do not know where to start, how to drive interest and even who your most profitable customers are – it’s time to make contact.


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