Email Dominates Mobile Marketing

The mobile expansion has been on everyone’s list for many years, 2011 will pave the way for a number of important marketing changes.

Fuelled by an incredible volume of smartphone adoption that continues to expand and an increasing percentage of mobile-only households, we are poised for enhanced mobile marketing explosion.

Recent Nielsen data shows that 30 percent of cell phones are smartphones and BlackBerries account for about a quarter of smartphones.


Along with on-the-go consumption, e-mail remains the dominant mobile activity. Further, app users have downloaded an average of 27 apps.

Based on this growth, Forrester forecasts that over 75 percent of marketers plan to

Think bite-size consumption and mobile find-ability (aka search). As a result, location-based services (aka LBS) such as Foursquare with competition from giants like Facebook will continue to expand their reach.include mobile in their marketing mix. Given mobile e-mail’s strength and average app downloads, focus on mobile interactive extension to meet users needs on the go.

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