6 Secrets to Marketing Your Website Like a Champion!

Being valuable means sharing knowledge, being prepared to be the authority and expert on the topic matter. Passing on this knowledge is much easier than it used to be. Especially when you:

  • Understand 80-100% of a particular topic. Your prospects and even your subscribers may be at the +1% level! As businesses, we ALL overestimate what our audiences know. Assume they know nothing, this opens up a well of mostly overlooked content, issues or information opportunities.
  • Identify Problems: You are all experts in a niche. Mostly, niche owners are most passionate than most claiming an interest. You know the problems, so how are they solved.
  • The trends: Changes in technology, format, laws, application, interest, mash ups between niches create unique vertical interest points continually. Own them.
  • Map it: Creating an alignment between your products/service ensures they are easily relatable to your audience

Think of it as an investment in your sales, improving customer education reduces sales pitch creating ready to buy customers. If you improve their knowledge you’ll naturally help them to be better customers for your business. The side effect of increasing specific content for your business  educating your customers is that it exponentially increases your websites exposure to search engines.

Being visible for service, product or problem/need related keywords is essential. Without creating an search engine tutorial, the process for being visible for specific enquiries looks like this:

  1. Develop a Keyword Strategy: Define a list of keywords relevant to your business and then select 3-5 based on what you want to own. Difficulty will be based on how competitive a word is, words such as “mortgage broker” are highly competitive. Depending on the resources to your business, you may be able to be discovered under such a term. Variations of this may be more attainable, if they still apply such as “Mortgage Expert”.
  2. Design & Optimise Your Site Around These Terms: These should include relevant imagery, products, services and information. Your site also consists of metadata which sits behinds images, headings, titles and various spots behind the scenes to tell search engines what the site is about. Have a 1, 2 or 3 click outcome for the business and your potential new subscriber.
  3. Maximise your content: This is the core of your business, content is not an area we need to encourage you to create. You already understand the point of this content, its traffic, interest and the compelling and educational nature of your niche. Is your content aligned to retain existing subscribers and encourage new? Does it offer exclusive access to what is considered the elusive gold in your niche. Is it compelling enough to continue being an active, paying and valued part of your community? Are you creating a good mix of articles, videos, white papers, audio and podcasts. Multimedia is key, multi-formatting content is essential for exposure. You can turn an article into a video and a podcast, or stitch them together for a guide. The combinations here are endless.
  4. Amplify your message: Social media plays its part when you have something worth passing on to talk about. Only if your ideal customers are within the space. Release some content via the main social networks first and foremost. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn. You can automate some but manual posting tends to get higher rankings in peoples personal feeds.
  5. Capture and convert: Your online business is about one thing, first and foremost. Data capture, if you site does nothing else except get people opting into your list its will be a wild success. From here you can take each of them down a path to its ultimate conclusion, subscription.
  6. Retain: The often missing part of every organisations marketing. Retaining a subscriber is 10 times cheaper than finding a new one. They buy more because they trust more, good customers that love what you do are gold. A recent study outlined as much as 30% of any marketing budget should be spent on retention. How do you retain subscribers at renewal time?

These are the absolute basics. Be exceptional at the above and you’ll win every time. The temptation is to complicate it out of sight, keep it simple, test and know what works. Its always better to amazing at one or two things than be bad at a lot.

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